Make your data tidy

Nathalie Vialaneix and Sébastien Déjean
12 octobre 2018



Basic concepts


  • What is tidyverse?

  • A new operator

Basic description of tidyverse

tidyverse is a collection of packages aiming at manipulating data easier:

  • ggplot2 to make graphics
  • dplyr to transform and summarize the content of datasets
  • tidyr to transform the structure of data tables (see also reshape2)
  • purrr to allow better functional programming in R
  • tibble to provide a better framework for data tables
  • readr to read datasets faster

New operators: pipe %>%

  • x %>% f() means f(x)

  • x %>% f(y) means f(x, y)

  • x %>% f(y, .) means f(y, x)

x <- 3
[1] 1.098612

Exercise: use pipe to perform the same operation

New operators: pipe %>%

  • x %>% f() means f(x)

  • x %>% f(y) means f(x, y)

  • x %>% f(y, .) means f(y, x)

x <- 3
x %>% log()
[1] 1.098612

Exercise: use pipe to perform the same operation

Manipulating data with dplyr


Main functions

dplyr, as ggplot2, is based on a grammar that aims at manipulating data. In this grammar, the main actions are:

  • select() to select variables based on their names
  • arrange() to modify the ordering of a dataset
  • filter() to select observations based on their values
  • mutate() to add new variables to a dataset (coming from existing variables)
  • summarise() to summarize multiple values (usually combined with group_by())
sample1000 <- sample(1:nrow(diamonds), 1000, replace = FALSE)
diamonds <- diamonds[sample1000, ]


small_diam <- diamonds %>% select(cut, color, price)
# A tibble: 1,000 x 3
   cut       color price
   <ord>     <ord> <int>
 1 Very Good D      1658
 2 Premium   G     10766
 3 Premium   I      6173
 4 Ideal     E      5962
 5 Premium   F      2839
 6 Premium   H      5266
 7 Ideal     E       723
 8 Premium   G     11032
 9 Fair      D      4441
10 Good      E      1246
# ... with 990 more rows


ordered_diams <- diamonds %>% arrange(desc(color))
# A tibble: 1,000 x 10
   carat cut       color clarity depth table price     x     y     z
   <dbl> <ord>     <ord> <ord>   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 0.310 Ideal     J     VS2      62.1  53.6   400  4.36  4.39  2.72
 2 1.23  Ideal     J     VS2      61.8  56.0  4986  6.87  6.81  4.23
 3 1.55  Ideal     J     SI1      62.4  57.0  8301  7.50  7.45  4.67
 4 0.400 Very Good J     VS1      63.4  58.0   810  4.64  4.61  2.93
 5 0.710 Premium   J     VS2      62.8  61.0  1917  5.71  5.63  3.56
 6 1.00  Good      J     SI1      58.7  62.0  3614  6.47  6.51  3.81
 7 0.550 Very Good J     VS2      62.6  57.0  1062  5.17  5.21  3.25
 8 1.24  Very Good J     SI2      63.3  60.0  3908  6.83  6.75  4.29
 9 1.56  Good      J     VS2      62.3  64.0  8107  7.41  7.36  4.60
10 1.75  Ideal     J     VS2      62.1  56.0  9890  7.74  7.69  4.79
# ... with 990 more rows


vg_diam <- diamonds %>% filter(cut == "Ideal")
     carat               cut      color     clarity       depth      
 Min.   :0.2300   Fair     :  0   D:43   VS2    :84   Min.   :58.50  
 1st Qu.:0.3400   Good     :  0   E:65   SI1    :61   1st Qu.:61.30  
 Median :0.5300   Very Good:  0   F:68   VS1    :58   Median :61.80  
 Mean   :0.6758   Premium  :  0   G:75   SI2    :47   Mean   :61.66  
 3rd Qu.:0.9100   Ideal    :357   H:50   VVS1   :46   3rd Qu.:62.20  
 Max.   :2.1600                   I:37   VVS2   :41   Max.   :63.70  
                                  J:19   (Other):20                  
     table           price             x               y        
 Min.   :53.00   Min.   :  360   Min.   :3.970   Min.   :3.990  
 1st Qu.:55.00   1st Qu.:  855   1st Qu.:4.490   1st Qu.:4.470  
 Median :56.00   Median : 1761   Median :5.220   Median :5.240  
 Mean   :56.09   Mean   : 3123   Mean   :5.439   Mean   :5.453  
 3rd Qu.:57.00   3rd Qu.: 4008   3rd Qu.:6.220   3rd Qu.:6.230  
 Max.   :60.00   Max.   :18682   Max.   :8.400   Max.   :8.340  

 Min.   :2.430  
 1st Qu.:2.760  
 Median :3.210  
 Mean   :3.358  
 3rd Qu.:3.860  
 Max.   :5.100  

# A tibble: 357 x 10
   carat cut   color clarity depth table price     x     y     z
   <dbl> <ord> <ord> <ord>   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 1.11  Ideal E     SI2      60.6  56.0  5962  6.76  6.78  4.10
 2 0.330 Ideal E     VS2      61.5  57.0   723  4.41  4.47  2.73
 3 0.310 Ideal D     VS2      62.5  56.0   734  4.29  4.32  2.69
 4 0.310 Ideal J     VS2      62.1  53.6   400  4.36  4.39  2.72
 5 0.530 Ideal D     VS2      60.9  57.0  1783  5.17  5.24  3.17
 6 0.330 Ideal F     VVS1     61.9  56.0   955  4.42  4.47  2.75
 7 0.380 Ideal D     VS2      62.0  56.0   998  4.68  4.64  2.89
 8 0.790 Ideal E     SI1      62.0  57.0  3384  5.92  5.96  3.68
 9 1.23  Ideal J     VS2      61.8  56.0  4986  6.87  6.81  4.23
10 0.380 Ideal F     VVS1     62.3  54.0  1096  4.64  4.70  2.91
# ... with 347 more rows

Exercice: Make a dataset with the top 10% most expensive diamonds.


vg_diam <- diamonds %>% filter(cut == "Ideal")
     carat               cut      color     clarity       depth      
 Min.   :0.2300   Fair     :  0   D:43   VS2    :84   Min.   :58.50  
 1st Qu.:0.3400   Good     :  0   E:65   SI1    :61   1st Qu.:61.30  
 Median :0.5300   Very Good:  0   F:68   VS1    :58   Median :61.80  
 Mean   :0.6758   Premium  :  0   G:75   SI2    :47   Mean   :61.66  
 3rd Qu.:0.9100   Ideal    :357   H:50   VVS1   :46   3rd Qu.:62.20  
 Max.   :2.1600                   I:37   VVS2   :41   Max.   :63.70  
                                  J:19   (Other):20                  
     table           price             x               y        
 Min.   :53.00   Min.   :  360   Min.   :3.970   Min.   :3.990  
 1st Qu.:55.00   1st Qu.:  855   1st Qu.:4.490   1st Qu.:4.470  
 Median :56.00   Median : 1761   Median :5.220   Median :5.240  
 Mean   :56.09   Mean   : 3123   Mean   :5.439   Mean   :5.453  
 3rd Qu.:57.00   3rd Qu.: 4008   3rd Qu.:6.220   3rd Qu.:6.230  
 Max.   :60.00   Max.   :18682   Max.   :8.400   Max.   :8.340  

 Min.   :2.430  
 1st Qu.:2.760  
 Median :3.210  
 Mean   :3.358  
 3rd Qu.:3.860  
 Max.   :5.100  

# A tibble: 357 x 10
   carat cut   color clarity depth table price     x     y     z
   <dbl> <ord> <ord> <ord>   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 1.11  Ideal E     SI2      60.6  56.0  5962  6.76  6.78  4.10
 2 0.330 Ideal E     VS2      61.5  57.0   723  4.41  4.47  2.73
 3 0.310 Ideal D     VS2      62.5  56.0   734  4.29  4.32  2.69
 4 0.310 Ideal J     VS2      62.1  53.6   400  4.36  4.39  2.72
 5 0.530 Ideal D     VS2      60.9  57.0  1783  5.17  5.24  3.17
 6 0.330 Ideal F     VVS1     61.9  56.0   955  4.42  4.47  2.75
 7 0.380 Ideal D     VS2      62.0  56.0   998  4.68  4.64  2.89
 8 0.790 Ideal E     SI1      62.0  57.0  3384  5.92  5.96  3.68
 9 1.23  Ideal J     VS2      61.8  56.0  4986  6.87  6.81  4.23
10 0.380 Ideal F     VVS1     62.3  54.0  1096  4.64  4.70  2.91
# ... with 347 more rows

Exercice: Make a dataset with the top 10% most expensive diamonds.

top_exp <- diamonds %>% filter(price >= quantile(price, probs = 0.9))
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   9641   11168   13113   13399   15230   18788 


large_diam <- diamonds %>% mutate(ratio = price / carat,
                                  nothing = NA,
                                  weird = paste(cut, color, sep = "-")) %>%
  select(carat, price, color, cut, ratio, nothing, weird)
# A tibble: 1,000 x 7
   carat price color cut       ratio nothing weird      
   <dbl> <int> <ord> <ord>     <dbl> <lgl>   <chr>      
 1 0.510  1658 D     Very Good 3251. NA      Very Good-D
 2 1.56  10766 G     Premium   6901. NA      Premium-G  
 3 1.51   6173 I     Premium   4088. NA      Premium-I  
 4 1.11   5962 E     Ideal     5371. NA      Ideal-E    
 5 0.710  2839 F     Premium   3999. NA      Premium-F  
 6 1.12   5266 H     Premium   4702. NA      Premium-H  
 7 0.330   723 E     Ideal     2191. NA      Ideal-E    
 8 1.71  11032 G     Premium   6451. NA      Premium-G  
 9 1.03   4441 D     Fair      4312. NA      Fair-D     
10 0.530  1246 E     Good      2351. NA      Good-E     
# ... with 990 more rows

Exercice: Make a dataset with only the diamonds with color 'D' and two additional variables: the \( \log_{10} \) of their price and the combination of clarity and cut.


large_diam <- diamonds %>% mutate(ratio = price / carat,
                                  nothing = NA,
                                  weird = paste(cut, color, sep = "-")) %>%
  select(carat, price, color, cut, ratio, nothing, weird)
# A tibble: 1,000 x 7
   carat price color cut       ratio nothing weird      
   <dbl> <int> <ord> <ord>     <dbl> <lgl>   <chr>      
 1 0.510  1658 D     Very Good 3251. NA      Very Good-D
 2 1.56  10766 G     Premium   6901. NA      Premium-G  
 3 1.51   6173 I     Premium   4088. NA      Premium-I  
 4 1.11   5962 E     Ideal     5371. NA      Ideal-E    
 5 0.710  2839 F     Premium   3999. NA      Premium-F  
 6 1.12   5266 H     Premium   4702. NA      Premium-H  
 7 0.330   723 E     Ideal     2191. NA      Ideal-E    
 8 1.71  11032 G     Premium   6451. NA      Premium-G  
 9 1.03   4441 D     Fair      4312. NA      Fair-D     
10 0.530  1246 E     Good      2351. NA      Good-E     
# ... with 990 more rows

Exercice: Make a dataset with only the diamonds with color 'D' and two additional variables: the \( \log_{10} \) of their price and the combination of clarity and cut.

ld <- diamonds %>% filter(color == "D") %>%
  mutate(log10 = log10(price),
         combo = paste(cut, clarity, sep = "-")) %>%
  select(price, cut, clarity, color, log10, combo)
# A tibble: 113 x 6
   price cut       clarity color log10 combo        
   <int> <ord>     <ord>   <ord> <dbl> <chr>        
 1  1658 Very Good VS2     D      3.22 Very Good-VS2
 2  4441 Fair      SI1     D      3.65 Fair-SI1     
 3   734 Ideal     VS2     D      2.87 Ideal-VS2    
 4   717 Good      SI1     D      2.86 Good-SI1     
 5  1752 Premium   VS2     D      3.24 Premium-VS2  
 6  1783 Ideal     VS2     D      3.25 Ideal-VS2    
 7   998 Ideal     VS2     D      3.00 Ideal-VS2    
 8  2079 Ideal     VS2     D      3.32 Ideal-VS2    
 9  1838 Good      SI1     D      3.26 Good-SI1     
10  1753 Ideal     VS2     D      3.24 Ideal-VS2    
# ... with 103 more rows

summarise() and group_by()

new_diams <- diamonds %>% summarise(av_depth = mean(depth),
                                    sd_depth = sd(depth))
# A tibble: 1 x 2
  av_depth sd_depth
     <dbl>    <dbl>
1     61.7     1.55
new_diams <- diamonds %>% 
  group_by(color) %>%
  summarise(av_price = mean(price),
            sd_price = sd(price))
# A tibble: 7 x 3
  color av_price sd_price
  <ord>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 D        2852.    3101.
2 E        3424.    3531.
3 F        3061.    3374.
4 G        4178.    4193.
5 H        4020.    4138.
6 I        5701.    4611.
7 J        4816.    3746.

Exercice: Summarize (with mean, sd and frequentcy) the datasets for all combinations of color and cut for colors 'D' and 'E'.

summarise() and group_by()

Exercice: Summarize (with mean, sd and frequentcy) the datasets for all combinations of color and cut for colors 'D' and 'E'.

new_diamb <- diamonds %>% filter(color %in% c("D", "E")) %>%
  group_by(color, cut) %>%
  summarise(av_price = mean(price),
            sd_price = sd(price),
            count = length(price))
# A tibble: 10 x 5
# Groups:   color [?]
   color cut       av_price sd_price count
   <ord> <ord>        <dbl>    <dbl> <int>
 1 D     Fair         6240.    6888.     4
 2 D     Good         3817.    3817.    10
 3 D     Very Good    3097.    2999.    32
 4 D     Premium      2723.    3052.    24
 5 D     Ideal        2202.    2363.    43
 6 E     Fair         2614.    1802.     2
 7 E     Good         5091.    5162.    19
 8 E     Very Good    3770.    3757.    58
 9 E     Premium      3707.    3563.    47
10 E     Ideal        2449.    2407.    65

summarise() and group_by()

Useful for:

p <- ggplot(new_diamb, aes(x = cut, y = av_price, colour = color, group = color)) + geom_point() + 
  geom_line() + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = av_price - sd_price / sqrt(count),
                                  ymax = av_price + sd_price / sqrt(count)))

plot of chunk ggplotSumm

Clean data with tidyr


Main functions

tidyr is used to clean datasets so as: 1/ each variable is in a column; 2/ each observation is in a row; 3/ each value is in a cell. The main functions are:

  • gather() that gathers multiple columns into a key-value pairs (where key is the former column name)
  • spread() that takes two columns (key, value) and spreads them into multiple columns (one column for each key)
  • separate() and extract() to pull appart a column with multiple values based on a separator or a regular expression


grades <- tibble(
  Name = c("Tommy", "Mary", "Gary", "Cathy"),
  Sexage = c("m.15", "f.15", "m.16", "f.14"),
  Math = c(10, 15, 16, 14),
  Philo = c(11, 13, 10, 12),
  English = c(12, 13, 17, 10)
# A tibble: 4 x 5
  Name  Sexage  Math Philo English
  <chr> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Tommy m.15     10.   11.     12.
2 Mary  f.15     15.   13.     13.
3 Gary  m.16     16.   10.     17.
4 Cathy f.14     14.   12.     10.
grades <- grades %>% 
  separate(Sexage, into = c("Sex", "Age")) # default separator is any nonalphanumeric character


modif_grades <- grades %>%
  gather(Math, Philo, English, key = Topic, value = Grade)
# A tibble: 12 x 5
   Name  Sex   Age   Topic   Grade
   <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>   <dbl>
 1 Tommy m     15    Math      10.
 2 Mary  f     15    Math      15.
 3 Gary  m     16    Math      16.
 4 Cathy f     14    Math      14.
 5 Tommy m     15    Philo     11.
 6 Mary  f     15    Philo     13.
 7 Gary  m     16    Philo     10.
 8 Cathy f     14    Philo     12.
 9 Tommy m     15    English   12.
10 Mary  f     15    English   13.
11 Gary  m     16    English   17.
12 Cathy f     14    English   10.


Usefull for:

p <- ggplot(modif_grades, aes(x = Topic, y = Grade)) + geom_boxplot() + 

plot of chunk ggplotGather



# A tibble: 6 x 7
# Groups:   Topic [3]
  Name  Sex   Age   Topic   Grade minval maxval
  <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Mary  f     15    Math      15.    14.    15.
2 Cathy f     14    Math      14.    14.    15.
3 Mary  f     15    Philo     13.    12.    13.
4 Cathy f     14    Philo     12.    12.    13.
5 Mary  f     15    English   13.    10.    13.
6 Cathy f     14    English   10.    10.    13.

plot of chunk gratherEx2


Slides built with material coming from:

  • Christophe Ambroise (LaMME, Université d'Evry) inspire from Hadley Wickham's book “R for data science: import, tidy, transform, visualize and model data”